Alec Johnson is 25. (Carla Dallas is 21)

Alec is a 25-year-old Battle of the Bands Judge who lives in a tiny studio apartment in the center of Bristol Bay. He's been dating Carla for four months. They met at a nightclub as Alec was working as a DJ there. Carla's currently studying at Bristol State University and still lives on campus, so the time they get to spend together is limited. There's a 45 minute drive from the campus to Bristol Bay.

I've never really liked Carla since she's always been a mean bitch. But now that she's together with Alec, I think I've changed my mind. She's kind of cute actually. She still acts pretty bitchy around her half sister Jessica, but I'm hoping all that is going to change now that she has a boyfriend. I know he's a Romance secondary so I'm not sure if he'll be willing to commit, but at least he hasn't been rolling any wants for anyone else. So they're now officially a couple.

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