Narrated by Coco Russo

It's my first semester of college and so far, I'm liking it. I really love living with people close to my own age, since back at home I'd been feeling a little lonely ever since Claudia left. I'd also been sharing a room with my 7-year-old little sister, so having my best friend Jessica as a roommate is definitely a welcomed change. I still miss my family a lot, but luckily I've got Claudia here to support me.

Claudia and her best friend Carla are seniors this year and they couldn't be any happier about graduating. They've both got their boyfriends in Bristol Bay, about a 45 minute drive away from campus. Claudia is also excited about finally starting her career. She's been into fashion design for as long as I can remember.

At first I was afraid me breaking up with her brother would affect my relationship with Jessica. Turns out, it didn't. Things have pretty much gone back to normality since James still lives in Bristol Bay and there's no danger of bumping into him every time I step out the front door.

I still try not to talk too much about the break-up. It's a little weird, since it's had a huge impact on my life but then again, Jessica's always been really close to her brother. And the truth is, it did happen 8 months ago. I guess I should have gotten over it by now.

I'm not the only one here who's going through something huge right now. The other night, as we were talking, Jessica told me she might be in love with a girl. At first, I was astonished, since this was all news for me. But then, I started thinking – back in high school, Jessica had never had a crush on anyone. She'd always looked a little uncomfortable when I had been talking about dating or guys in general. It suddenly all made sense.

I wanted to encourage her a little so I told her she should go for it. After all the hard stuff she's been through, I figured the girl deserved to be happy.

The person I miss the most has got to be my little sister. She just turned 7 last month, and I can't believe it. Seems like the day she was born was just yesterday. I've always felt kind of protective of her, seeing I'm 12 years older than her. I know Cristina isn't just as close to Claudia since they've never really lived under the same roof. She was only three years old when Claudia moved on campus.

The two of us have never been inseparable or anything, but we like each other a lot. It's hard not to have a special bond with someone you've shared a room with for almost 16 years.

I'm not sure what to think of Claudia's taste in friends, though. I never liked the way Carla treated Jessica or James, for that matter. Three years ago, I was furious at her. But now everyone keeps telling me how she's changed after she started dating her new boyfriend. According to Jessica, she and Carla don't exactly get along but at least Carla has stopped being so mean to her.

Alec is so cool, though. The first time I saw him, I couldn't believe he was the guy Carla was dating. He's extremely hot, and a musician – in other words, so not Carla's type. Not that I know much about her, but it's just the way she appears. I'd rather see her with someone a bit more desperate, considering all her bitchiness.

But then again, she's a completely different person when she's with him. She's all sweet and considerate, or at least acts that way. Whenever Alec's here, I can't even bare to be in the same room – Carla just keeps giggling like a little girl.

Truthfully, Carla and Alec spend most of their time in her bedroom. It must be a bit irritating for my sister who also happens to live in that room. She keeps her sewing machine there, so she doesn't like it when she's told to get out.

It's all different when Claudia has her boyfriend Andrew over. They're not all over each other – in fact, they act just like normal people do. I don't know him too well, but last spring when Claudia brought him home to dinner, he seemed like a nice guy.

Jessica's all about studying right now. If she's not reading, she's at the computer. It seems like she has totally forgotten what we talked about the other night. I think she should go out more and socialize. I know she's shy, but she shouldn't just lock herself in and never go out again. I understand she's confused about her sexuality right now, but she's not going to find all the answers to her questions by isolating herself.

I also have to admit that I tend to get really bored while Jessica's working on her assignments and Claudia's at class. I know I should spend all my spare time by studying, but it's just not really my thing. I want to graduate and all, but I guess I just thought college wasn't all about that.

One Thursday night, I was more than excited when Claudia invited me and Jessica to join her and Andrew for drinks at the Campus Pub. It wasn't easy talking Jessica into going with us, but I finally managed to do that.

Once Claudia and Andrew got started with their couple behavior, Jessica and I really got a chance to talk. I had missed my best friend so much.

There weren't too many people at the pub that night, but Jessica and I actually had a pretty good time.

We even ended up meeting a guy. He seemed a little more interested in me, but considering Jessica's situation, I'm not sure if she even minded.

I felt a little bad for spending so much time with Spencer, but he seemed really interesting and keen on talking with me.
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