Betty Anderson went into labor at night. She was in bed, asleep, with her husband Matt as she woke up to the familiar feeling of her water breaking. She quickly shook her husband awake and they both headed to the hospital.

The pregnancy might have been an easy one, but the delivery wasn't. Matt tried to stay calm and didn't let go of Betty's hand.

After a few days Betty and Matt were able to take their newborn son home. Seth and Sam were more than excited to finally meet their little baby brother, Shane.

Betty just loved having a baby in the house. Now that Sam was already finishing preschool, it was nice to have somebody to look after once again.

Claudia Russo just graduated from Bristol State University with a degree in Art and a GPA of 3.2.

The whole Russo family came to see the Graduation Ceremony held at the Campus Quad.

Claudia's boyfriend Andrew was there, as well.

She is now living in this small apartment building located in Bristol Bay close to her dad's restaurant and also the Central Gardens.

As a graduation gift, Claudia's parents decided to buy her a car – a brand new Mercedes.

At first Claudia thought that the car might be just a little too ostentatious, but now that she's gotten used to it, she just loves it. She's never known too much about cars, but she can imagine how much this particular one has cost to her parents. But then again, Claudia's always been a daddy's girl and couldn't refuse a gift from him.
Pose in the first picture?